
This is what a few of our clients have to say about us

Airline Information

"The travel startups that I see are usually managed by marketing types who have a high tolerance for risk. This is how they can start a business. But, what is often forgotten is that you have to get paid to be profitable. Travel FraudGuard has offered the perfect solution to this dilemma for some of our startups customers. They handle the fraud, so the startup can get paid and focus on growth."

Chris Staab
Managing Partner
Airline Information
17 May 2015

NS International

"Travel FraudGuard's collaboration with Hispeed has delivered a massive improvement to our fraud management operations. Before their involvement our fraud management process was rigid. We had strict rules blocking high risk bookings and had little time or expertise available for day to day and structural analysis. The Travel FraudGuard team added experience and techniques to our daily operations that would have taken us considerable time to develop ourselves.

We're now able to accept genuine ticket purchases that we would previously have refused out of uncertainty. Acceptances are up, charge backs are down and this has improved both profitability and customer relations enormously!

Travel FraudGuard's ability to teamwork with clients is very strong. Hispeed is delighted to have them aboard."

Bob Vinke
Business consultant
NS International.nl
12 November 2013

H.I.S. Travel, UK office

"We just wouldn't sleep at night without their services. They're so pro-active and on the ball. I can't imagine running our business without their expertise and their ability to detect fraud and prevent it from affecting our operations."

Ian Vallely General Manager
11 July 2014